Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I hate being sick

So I have this cold that has hit me like a fog to the brain and its as if someone hooked up an energy-sucking device to my heel and all my energy is flowing out. I'd have to say, next to passing a kidney stone, it's one of the worst feelings. Sure, there's no excrutiating pain, but neither can talk coherently or, in my case, keep your head from occassionaly falling back on the headrest. There's nothing I can do to stop it! ....there it goes again. Anyways, I've taken some drugs to try and stop my nose inadvertantly drowning me, so that may be affecting my brain as well. I tried to leave a message at the executive director of Regina tourism today and I believe, if memory serves, that I said "umm" as many times as my english teacher's grad student during her "guest" lecture. The grad student's, not the teacher's. See, I don't even know if what I'm trying to communicate right now is making sense. I think I'll just watch some Star Trek: TNG reruns until I pass out or something. If anyone gets this before 5 or 6 o'clock today, pray that I'm feeling well enough to go to Jr. High tonight, cuz those kids make me feel better just being around them.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


I just noticed that the spell checker on this blogging website (You might want to investigate that one, Mike) tries to suggest alternate spellings for "blog". The top replacing word for blogging is flogging. Rather odd, don't you think?

Crazy University

So I looked on my PAWS account the other day and on the front page they are advertising for the basketball playoffs this weekend. They want us to "Pack the PAC!" So I says to myself, I says, "Sure, might be fun. Something to do if I'm bored on the weekend. And hey, aren't those kind of activities free for students since I paid through the nose to things like the athletics fund?" Apparently I was wrong. They want me to pay $5 to go see a basketball game that I might only be midly interested in if it were free. What exactly did I pay them for if I can't go see these games for free? It's like buying a ticket to the Blades game, expecting that you're already paid for, and then finding out there's a finders fee for your seat or something equally stupid. If it weren't an un-Christian thing to do, I might be tempted to ask for God's wrath to be flung down mercilessly upon whoever thought that students should have to pay more for these games.

I'm not really as upset as I sound, I just thought it was silly. Plus, it looked like I hadn't blogged in a while so I needed a filler blog to tide me over until something else exciting happens. Well, besides getting to pie Jr. High kids in the face on Tuesday night, that was a good time. I'm glad Mike thought to bring along his video camera.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

New Car!

Yup, you heard it here first. Lindsay and I bought ourselves a 2002 Kia Rio RX-V. It's got a 1.5L 4cyl engine, so it's gonna be WAY better on gas than the Malibu with it's V8. It's a metallic green colour with black tinted back windows, 4-door, a Sony cd player and command start, though we're having a bit of a problem with the command start because the only manual we have for it is a 4-page photocopy of part of it and doesn't say what brand or type it is. That's kind of annoying, having a command start and not being able to use it, but hopefully we'll be able to figure it out by either taking it somewhere or asking someone more knowledgable. This is the newest car either of us have ever owned and the only car I've ever had that was made in the same decade as I was in at the time, so needless to say, I'm rather excited about the whole situation. We got a pretty good deal, about on par with the value of it in Kelly's blue book, so that's nice too. The guy at the Kia dealership where we got the car, Sherman, was really helpful and kinda went to bat for us when the Malibu wouldn't start the morning we had to take it in for the trade-in. First off, we got some decent money for it, sight unseen, and then they paid to tow it in, which was nice. All I can say is I'm sooooooooooooo glad to be rid of that beast of a car. It was more trouble than it was ever worth to have it. Good riddance to bad rubish. And that's all I have to say about that.

Friday, February 10, 2006


And so begins my vacation...well, almost. Just have to work tonight until 10, then I'm pretty much free until next week. Here's how it will go: days Lindsay works, hang out with her until about 11:30 when she goes to work, then watch TV/play video games until my eyes explode/melt or something better happens, Small group on monday, no junior high on tuesday because the kids are off school (and it's "Love Day"... will probably make Lindsay supper and give her her present, unless she has something else planned...), Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I'm scheduled to work, but 12 hours over 3 days isn't too bad, just normal. Also, sometime in there, I'll have to finish an essay and catch up on some reading, but that may be delegated to Sunday night because I'm a procrastinator that knows no procrastinating bounds. I might also go visit my sister, brother-in-law and their kids since he is off work, recovering from surgery. He's doing fine, I hear, though apparently he's lost some weight. It wasn't a Huge deal, but he had some wicked acid reflux because of a sphincter or something at the top of his stomach that didn't work so well so they had to take some of his stomach to make a better one. He's just tired and complaining because the only things he can ingest right now "look like pee"...apple juice, chicken broth, etc. I think he's just excited to move back up to mush food... the man loves his mashed potatoes. Anyways, please give me a call if any of you are bored during the days after 12 because I'm sure I'll be pretty bored with Lindsay at work. And a happy vacation to anyone else who gets this week off.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Site Meter

So, Robyn hooked me up with this cool thing at sitemeter.com that is kinda like a hit tracker, but you get way more information on the people who are visiting. I don't know how much I should tell you that it tells me about you, but it's more than I thought it would be...

Ok, since you're twisting my arm (and you'll find out if you go there anyways), besides hits it shows where the people are from and the average number of visits a day and stuff, which is kinda neat. The thing I didn't expect to see on there are people's IP addresses, which some people don't necessarily want to share. Some nefarious sorts could use that kinda information to get into an unprotected computer, but I'd never do that...even if I did know how.
I'm sure you all have firewalls on your computer anyways. And for those of you who don't, Zone Labs has a nice free one, though it's rather disturbing how many attempts to access your computer it shows people (or programs) have made. Like the 650,000+ access attempts my firewall said it has stopped... Oh well!

Don't be too paranoid :)


Monday, February 06, 2006

Teeth suck

Days like today I wish I just had false teeth. I've got some wicked problems going on with my wisdom teeth and it's making all my other teeth on the bottom hurt. Basically, my wisdom teeth are growing in sideways, which has also caused an infection, and I think they're pushing my other teeth together... and it freakin hurts. So, I've got an appointment on Friday now to see if that really is the problem and hopefully they'll be able to bump me up on the list to have them removed. Woohoo. No wonder I don't like the dentist.

Anyways, I should go. The fire alarm just went off in the building and I might be trapped up here, although it is very unlikely. The stupid alarm has gone off half a dozen times since we've lived here and they've all been false alarms. One was caused by someone slamming their door. Good thing we're moving....


Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Well, thanks to my wife, I realized I made a mistake on my last blog. Apparently I talked about the car that we currently have, mistakenly calling it a Chevy Celebrity. CAR FLASHBACK!!!! I think it was just the "C" alliteration deal that got me mixed up, but the Celebrity was...3 cars ago. Wow. How silly of me. That prompted me to give a rethink to all the cars I've had. I typed out a big long paragraph about all my cars, but deleted it because it sounded really boring even to me and I was there. How much less would you guys care, I asked myself. A lot seemed to be the answer, so it got ejected. Anyways, oops on my part.

So, last night for Jr. High we got to play some wheelchair basketball. It was pretty exciting. My arms are a little sore from pushing myself up and down the court, but I think all involved had a good time. I know Rissy did because she told me all about how she was laughing at me while I played. More fool me for shouting encouragement from the sidelines when she was playing. Yeesh. *fist shaking in mock rage at an invisible Rissy* That seems to be our "thing" though, picking on one another. But that's ok, she's a sister in Christ and my biological sisters picked on me and vice versa, so it's all good. I'll just have to treat her to some "pie" later on <-- inside joke, ask Trent for "pie" if you're curious.

Well, that's about it from me today. I just read an article in the new Reader's Digest about blogging and thought it was about time I updated. Take care all.