Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Well, thanks to my wife, I realized I made a mistake on my last blog. Apparently I talked about the car that we currently have, mistakenly calling it a Chevy Celebrity. CAR FLASHBACK!!!! I think it was just the "C" alliteration deal that got me mixed up, but the Celebrity was...3 cars ago. Wow. How silly of me. That prompted me to give a rethink to all the cars I've had. I typed out a big long paragraph about all my cars, but deleted it because it sounded really boring even to me and I was there. How much less would you guys care, I asked myself. A lot seemed to be the answer, so it got ejected. Anyways, oops on my part.

So, last night for Jr. High we got to play some wheelchair basketball. It was pretty exciting. My arms are a little sore from pushing myself up and down the court, but I think all involved had a good time. I know Rissy did because she told me all about how she was laughing at me while I played. More fool me for shouting encouragement from the sidelines when she was playing. Yeesh. *fist shaking in mock rage at an invisible Rissy* That seems to be our "thing" though, picking on one another. But that's ok, she's a sister in Christ and my biological sisters picked on me and vice versa, so it's all good. I'll just have to treat her to some "pie" later on <-- inside joke, ask Trent for "pie" if you're curious.

Well, that's about it from me today. I just read an article in the new Reader's Digest about blogging and thought it was about time I updated. Take care all.


Blogger LJE said...

ooh, i haven't gotten to that article in my readers digest yet, so i'm sure i'll be posting after i do, just like you.

i, personally, would have been excited to read your list of cars. i think it's fun to look back and see what a person has driven over the years.

my list includes a '77 cutlass (my dad's car that i adopted - sigh, i miss her, Nellie was her name), a '88 plymouth colt (not dodge, as most of my guy friends assumed it SHOULD be...they thought i was naive and mistaken, but it is indeed a plymouth), and an '02 alero. In the time i've known him, tony has had an old Nova, a late 80's hot red honda CRX (the reason i fell in love with him) with a huge stereo that would give you a back massage every time you sat in the seat because of the bass, a sucky Acura that kept breaking down, and now the alero. yay!

2:48 PM


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