Wednesday, December 28, 2005


So here it is, the dreaded Christmas blog! ARGH! I knew this day would come and now it has and I'm....tired. Anyways, my Christmas was pretty good, though I was kinda dissappointed not to be in Saskatoon because it would have been nice to go to a Christmas service at my own church. As it was, I didn't really want to go to a service in Prince Albert cuz the last one I went to there was last Christmas and it was scary loud and super shallow... but I'm not judging. Maybe I'm just biased towards my church where I can actually hear myself sing (though that's not necessarily a good thing) as well as those around me, besides the people at the front. Ah well, perhaps next Christmas Lindsay and I will just stay in S'toon.

It's very tempting to stay here, especially since my mom likes to make me do much physical labour while I'm at her house. I probably shouldn't complain cuz of the whole "raising four kids on her own and still never wanting for anything" thing, but I'd like to relax on my days off. The threat of shovelling snow, or in the case of this year, having to put together a desk, take apart another one, and re-setup my mom's computer, kinda ruins the whole "vacation" ideal. Plus the fact that Lindsay and I only had Christmas Eve and Christmas Day off work kinda put a damper on things since we had to judiciously (sp?) decide how to break up the time between my mom's and her folks' place. That aspect worked out pretty good, I must say, though more time spent down there would have been nice.

As for presents, I did pretty well considering I wasn't expecting much of anything. I knew that my mom was going to give me an iPod shuffle because she told me she had gotten one for not taking a Jeep on a test drive (I still don't understand how that works, so don't ask me). I also got a futureshop gift certificate from my mother-in-law (she knows what I like!) so I bought some games. My mom also got me and Lindsay a shiatsu massager dealy, which is pretty nice and if you wanna use it you have to come over cuz it's not leaving the house. Various other small gifts were also greatly appreciated, like my sister and brother-in-law's home-made wine (of which I have partaken, though I had about half an ounce cut with much Sprite, so it kinda turned into a wine cooler thing. and it was still making me pretty hot under the collar after a small glass. guess I'm a light-weight when it comes to drinking, which isn't necessarily bad.)

So, all in all, it was a pretty nice Christmas, though it was too short. Of course, my allergies disagreed, thinking it was too long to be around cats at my mom's and dogs at my mother-in-law's places. Good thing the cat hair didn't follow me home...too much. Anyways, I'm tired of writing and I have to go get Lindsay from work soon, so I'll try not to make it as long between blogs as before this.


Blogger Lindsay said...

Keep the blog alive after 2005!!!

Dear Joel,
The blogging is good and people enjoy reading it, so you should keep it running this year. Look, I even had to start my own blog so I could post this in an attempt to save yours. Don't let the time wasting end !
Your loving and slightly kookoo wife,

11:40 AM


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