Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Place title here

Hello Reader,
I don't expect too many people to read this blog, but I'd rather not address it to myself like some sort of journal because that is not what I intend to do here. Instead, I will use this forum to waste time when I should be doing better things. For example, right now I should be writing an essay that is due tomorrow and only half complete. I'm not really worried about it, but I seem to have reached that point at which I can longer write coherently and must remove myself from the project for a while. I'm the procrastinating type and have been so for as long as I can remember, so I'm sure I'll figure out a way of getting my paper in on time, no matter what shape it is in when submitted. I hope that whoever reads this doesn't think that in future posts there will be any pearls of wisdom or insight into my person, but I can promise that once you are done reading you will shake your head at the waste of both your own time as well as mine. Thanks for being here to waste time with me and I look forward to wasting more time in the future. Comments welcome... since you'd be wasting more time writing them and I'd be wasting time reading them which is what we're here to do, otherwise you would have hit the "next blog" button by now.


Blogger LJE said...

hey Joel,

just thought i'd take you up on the waste time offer, and add to the theme of your blog, so here i am leaving a comment when i really should be doing other things!

7:38 AM


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