Friday, December 09, 2005


So, I guess it's been quite a while since I've had a bunch of time to waste making a post on here. Well, that's not true. I've just been so tired and busy watching movies during the day and then going to work at night. The whole working thing is once again new to me since the last time I did an honest day's work (where I got paid and involving physical labour) was....long enough ago that I can't remember...prolly last summer or something. Anyhoo, for those of you who don't know, I've been recently employed by that much loved arm of Gap Inc. we know as Old Navy. I'm "the facilities guy", as I'm known at work (Thanks muchly to Robyn who helped me procure said job. I got about 2 sentences in before they offerred me a job, which was sweeeeet.) It's all about the detail and floors. And boy is that place dusty...How dusty is it, you ask? It's soooooooooo dusty... it makes the Gobi desert look like a sandbox. K, maybe not that bad, but you get the drift. Anyways, what with the wet Saskatchewan weather outside that travels inside on the feet of our customers, through no fault of their own, little dust/lintballs run rampant on my floors. And yes, they are now my floors cuz I'm the only one I know who cleans 'em . Needless to say, it's a little frustrating trying to keep said floors clean, but I'm giving it my best shot. Besides, that's what they pay me the big bucks for (I am, however, unable to say how much said "big bucks" are in case any employee of Old Navy happens to see this.) So, long story short, I have a job and it's ok... even though it started off not so great. That's a story for another blog and things are better now anyways.

I figured it was about time for a new paragraph, but I dunno what else to say sooooo.....I'm going to go play some Yahoo! pool until I'm sleepy enough to go to bed. Good Night/Day/Insert applicable time greeting here!


Blogger Amanda said...

Now imagine cleaning like that in your home with two males living there who are just waiting for you to finish so they can dirty it up again. And a cat who covers the place with fuzz things she's scratched off a chair. Sorry, just a little sick and cranky today (see my blog)

11:59 AM

Blogger Robyn said...

i didnt think that was a complainy blog at all....i think you are right.....I think those floors are disgusting. ....and....think of how happy you make ALL the management and ALL the staff, when you are cleaning....they are all very happy!!

8:38 PM


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