Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The Work Horse Rides Again!

So, I'm trying to get into a mental state where I am prepared for all the moving I'm going to have to do in the next couple months. And no, Mike, I'm not putting this all on you. Lindsay and I have decided that we need to move out of this apartment and it so happens that my Dad and his wife are going to Australia to see my sister get married. What does this have to do with moving, you may ask. Well, since the folks will be gone for more than 2 months, they need someone to look after the place... keep it clean, mow the lawn, take the mail in... in a word, house-sitting. The good part of the deal for us is that said folks will pay the mortgage and the bills while they are away, so Lindsay and I can live relatively payment free for 2 whole months, in the process saving some money. Now, this money, along with some money in savings, will hopefully go to buying a condo or a house outside the city. So we'll be moving out of our apartment and storing our stuff, moving Mike and Amanda into their new place, then moving our stuff back into a different place (God willing, not another apartment, but we'll see what the funds look like).

This brings me to the Work Horse part of the title. I have been thus dubbed because of all the assistance I've given to Mike and Amanda over the years, moving various pieces of large furniture (whether I knew what I was getting myself into before going over to their house or not). So, the Work Horse will ride again and hopefully nothing will break in the process... me or the things being moved.


Blogger LJE said...

oooh! sounds like fun.

Hey, if you and lindsey need space to store things, we have lots of space....please just let us know and feel free to take us up on this offer. Our house is much too big for us at the current moment, so it's no problem at all.

And we are also available to help with moving (both you guys and bendels) so let us know if you need us.

1:09 PM

Blogger Joel said...

We might just take you up on that. Thanks!

3:10 PM

Blogger Pastor Pepsi said...

Let me echo Joel's comment to Lyn, 'we might take you up on that'

Also, let me echo Lyn's comment, store stuff with us, we have, and will ahve lots of room.

Lastly, I promise during this move that I will not send stuff off the deck that gets progressively bigger until the bed comes at you, like on Bradwell Ave.

5:38 AM


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