Friday, January 13, 2006

Back again

Hello again faithful readers,
Apologies for the length between blogs again. Seems like I don't have as much time as I used to to waste time, what with the job and school and having something of a social life. My loving wife has pleaded with me to keep my blog going because it helps me keep up on my writing and grammar and whatnot and she even went as far as to start her own blog so as to comment on mine. I was a little disheartened at that fact that I wasn't getting very many comments and thought that reflected poorly on my readership, which is why I was thinking of abandoning my blog. I'm not sure if I'm actually getting anything out of blogging. Some people may feel it has some cathardic value, but I don't feel like I'm getting that from my blog. Perhaps the problem lies with me and the depth, or lack thereof, of my blog subjects.

On that note, I've noticed some pros and cons with the new iPod that I got for Christmas, mentioned in my last blog. It's nice to have something to listen to when I'm wandering around campus and whatnot besides the chatter of my fellow students, but I fear it's affecting my interaction with the people I do know. For example, today I almost snubbed Lynette because I was too engrossed in listening to my music and was only able to respond to a call of my name at the last second. I tend to go into something of a trance when I'm walking between classes, shutting out most of what is happening around me because sometimes its either annoying, disturbing, or unimportant, but it backfired on that occasion. I also almost snubbed Rissy while I was walking because of my trance-like meandering, so apologies to both ladies. I didn't mean to ignore and I hope you can forgive me if it seemed that way.

For anyone who is curious, things are going pretty well with life. I'm going on a youth retreat next weekend as a sponsor, so that should be a new and interesting experience. I'm not quite sure what to expect, but it should be pretty fun and I hope that both the kids and sponsors learn something about God and His ways while we're up at Redberry. Please pray that no one gets injured as we'll be doing some toboganning on what I gather is a rather crazy hill, lined with trees and somewhat narrow. We'll also be playing some night games and that could get a little dangerous with unseen objects in the snow and around the camp. With work, I'm going to be rather busy that days that I am working because we're doing what is called a "January Tune-up" which involves a lot of cleaning and somebody coming from one of the other stores or something and rating us on our cleanliness. This, as you probably know, is almost strictly my area at work (with the exception of my new facilities buddy, Colin), so we'll be cleaning pretty hard. Ah well, I got some extra long (for me) shifts at work next week to get all the extra cleaning done and Colin is a really hard working guy. Should go fine.

Well, that's about it for me. Sorry it's been a rather long blog, but I had to make up for all the time I missed out on and I didn't even cover all that has happened since the last time I posted. Hopefully I'll have some interesting stories to tell about the retreat and work. Take care all.


Blogger LJE said...

no offense taken.

And keep up with the blog! it's good stuff, and people do read it, even if they don't comment every time.

Hey, it took me about 5 months on my blog before people really started to comment, and I still have posts where nobody at all comments!

7:33 AM

Blogger Pastor Pepsi said...

Hey, Joel, I am pumped about you coming on retreat, it is great to have a best friend as a brother in arms in ministry. The kids getting hurt stuff, a sacrifice I am willing to make for the sake of great video and great weekend, lol. This is actually my first time reading your blog, but would like a regular subsription please.

7:58 AM


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