Tuesday, February 14, 2006

New Car!

Yup, you heard it here first. Lindsay and I bought ourselves a 2002 Kia Rio RX-V. It's got a 1.5L 4cyl engine, so it's gonna be WAY better on gas than the Malibu with it's V8. It's a metallic green colour with black tinted back windows, 4-door, a Sony cd player and command start, though we're having a bit of a problem with the command start because the only manual we have for it is a 4-page photocopy of part of it and doesn't say what brand or type it is. That's kind of annoying, having a command start and not being able to use it, but hopefully we'll be able to figure it out by either taking it somewhere or asking someone more knowledgable. This is the newest car either of us have ever owned and the only car I've ever had that was made in the same decade as I was in at the time, so needless to say, I'm rather excited about the whole situation. We got a pretty good deal, about on par with the value of it in Kelly's blue book, so that's nice too. The guy at the Kia dealership where we got the car, Sherman, was really helpful and kinda went to bat for us when the Malibu wouldn't start the morning we had to take it in for the trade-in. First off, we got some decent money for it, sight unseen, and then they paid to tow it in, which was nice. All I can say is I'm sooooooooooooo glad to be rid of that beast of a car. It was more trouble than it was ever worth to have it. Good riddance to bad rubish. And that's all I have to say about that.


Blogger LJE said...

congrats! Such a blessing when God provides like that.

7:09 AM

Blogger Angie said...

I can totally relate to that. Jay and I had an '83 Buick Regal until last summer. The day we got rid of that car was such a great day! We had bought our newer car in April and had the Buick until well into summer. I remember we sold it just before gas prices soared to $1.18/L. Yay!

10:17 AM

Blogger Jay said...

Yes, getting rid of the Buick was a good day. Joel, command starts have an on/off switch under the dash & dealers are notorious for turning them off, & leaving them off, when they do their testing and maintenance before listing the car. Maybe that's it. Hopefully the simplest answer is the correct one. :)

11:05 AM

Blogger Amanda said...

Aw, poor baby can't get his command start to work! My heart bleeds for you.

But, congrats anyway.

7:53 PM

Blogger Joel said...

I'll be glad when you guys are done moving, Amanda. You're gettin mean.

8:47 PM

Blogger Pastor Pepsi said...

Joel, command start is highly over rated. RElated to your last comment on mine about ironing, you should maintain your position in the house as head, and command Lindsay to go start the car, lol.
I have a thousand versesready to go, right OUT OF CONTEXT, to support you in this(free Pastoral service).

p.s. very excited about your new car, let's race this weekend.

3:28 AM

Blogger Lindsay said...


4:37 PM

Blogger Jay said...

Race!? Did I hear correct? Oh, right, I forgot that I sold my OCS before I moved here. My DGC wouldn't do much except for my addiction to neon in it. :)

8:00 AM


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