Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Site Meter

So, Robyn hooked me up with this cool thing at that is kinda like a hit tracker, but you get way more information on the people who are visiting. I don't know how much I should tell you that it tells me about you, but it's more than I thought it would be...

Ok, since you're twisting my arm (and you'll find out if you go there anyways), besides hits it shows where the people are from and the average number of visits a day and stuff, which is kinda neat. The thing I didn't expect to see on there are people's IP addresses, which some people don't necessarily want to share. Some nefarious sorts could use that kinda information to get into an unprotected computer, but I'd never do that...even if I did know how.
I'm sure you all have firewalls on your computer anyways. And for those of you who don't, Zone Labs has a nice free one, though it's rather disturbing how many attempts to access your computer it shows people (or programs) have made. Like the 650,000+ access attempts my firewall said it has stopped... Oh well!

Don't be too paranoid :)



Blogger LJE said...


7:23 AM


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