Monday, February 06, 2006

Teeth suck

Days like today I wish I just had false teeth. I've got some wicked problems going on with my wisdom teeth and it's making all my other teeth on the bottom hurt. Basically, my wisdom teeth are growing in sideways, which has also caused an infection, and I think they're pushing my other teeth together... and it freakin hurts. So, I've got an appointment on Friday now to see if that really is the problem and hopefully they'll be able to bump me up on the list to have them removed. Woohoo. No wonder I don't like the dentist.

Anyways, I should go. The fire alarm just went off in the building and I might be trapped up here, although it is very unlikely. The stupid alarm has gone off half a dozen times since we've lived here and they've all been false alarms. One was caused by someone slamming their door. Good thing we're moving....



Blogger LJE said...

ouch, sounds painful. I don't like pain, especially when it interferes with my ability to eat, which i'm sure your teeth are doing for you right now.

Hope the appointment goes ok, and that you get some resolution in your mouth very soon.

12:57 PM

Blogger Jay said...

Joel, many people had me very freaked out about getting my wisdom teeth (tooth in my case) out from their readily shared horror stories. It was my best experience with a dentist/oral surgeon ever. Yeah, I'm sure it can be bad, but not all cases are bad and I'm sure that discomfort is better than your ongoing pain. I hope it is resolved for you soon. :)

7:32 PM

Blogger Amanda said...

About 60 years ago there were many people who had all their teeth pulled out - yes you read right - and used false teeth instead. The crazy thing was they had their teeth pulled out in their twenties, it was apparently a sign of affluence.

Think about it.

7:47 PM


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