Friday, February 10, 2006


And so begins my vacation...well, almost. Just have to work tonight until 10, then I'm pretty much free until next week. Here's how it will go: days Lindsay works, hang out with her until about 11:30 when she goes to work, then watch TV/play video games until my eyes explode/melt or something better happens, Small group on monday, no junior high on tuesday because the kids are off school (and it's "Love Day"... will probably make Lindsay supper and give her her present, unless she has something else planned...), Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I'm scheduled to work, but 12 hours over 3 days isn't too bad, just normal. Also, sometime in there, I'll have to finish an essay and catch up on some reading, but that may be delegated to Sunday night because I'm a procrastinator that knows no procrastinating bounds. I might also go visit my sister, brother-in-law and their kids since he is off work, recovering from surgery. He's doing fine, I hear, though apparently he's lost some weight. It wasn't a Huge deal, but he had some wicked acid reflux because of a sphincter or something at the top of his stomach that didn't work so well so they had to take some of his stomach to make a better one. He's just tired and complaining because the only things he can ingest right now "look like pee" juice, chicken broth, etc. I think he's just excited to move back up to mush food... the man loves his mashed potatoes. Anyways, please give me a call if any of you are bored during the days after 12 because I'm sure I'll be pretty bored with Lindsay at work. And a happy vacation to anyone else who gets this week off.


Blogger LJE said...

you should just try to do 30 minutes or so of reading every afternoon, then you could take sunday off when Lindsay is home, and enjoy more of that time together!

7:21 AM


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