Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The cleaning freak-out begins!

Lindsay is very familiar with what has become an infrequent occurence around our place. Sometimes I just get so disgusted with all the papers lying around and dishes and stuff that I just freak-out and clean as much of the place as I can before I get tired. I don't know why it happens or why I can't keep it from happening by trying to keep the place tidier, but I think it's a result of having to live in my mom's place growing up. She's quite the packrat and I see some of those tendencies being passed on to me. I guess the freak-out is my attempt at fighting against those tendencies. I usually spend a couple of hours going aimlessly from room to room picking up garbage papers and other things, putting them into appropriate piles, and then figuring out what is dispensable. This is part of my break from the freak-out because I usually need to catch my breath at some point during the episode and gather my thoughts concerning what to tackle next.

I should get back to it, though. The shredding pile needs to be attended to as well as the stuff in the washing machine, dishwasher, and I still need to vacuum yet. Woo hoo!

P.S. Don't ask me to come over to your house during one of my freak-outs because I'm immune to the messes of others.


Blogger LJE said...

i understand you fully. i have spurts like that too.

12:31 PM

Blogger Jay said...

Metoo!!! I just get disgusted & pick roo & get to it. :)

6:10 PM

Blogger Angie said...

When I was in university I would use cleaning as an excuse only when I had studying to do or a paper to write. I couldn't study in an untidy room, however I could deal with it just fine if I didn't have work to do. Probably just a procrastination technique.

2:50 PM


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