Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I've been thinking...

Yeah, I know, scary. But I have. Do you ever have one of those days where you wonder what if...? What if this or that had happened, how would my life be different? What if I never existed? You know, things along that line. I don't really want to think about those things in particular, but I have been all the same. Maybe it's from God, a bit of prompting to make some changes in my life so that I can say when I'm in heaven, "The world might not have been the same without me, for the short amount of time I was there." As I type this, it seems pretty selfish and slightly depressing. If I'm doing things for some kind of legacy or something, then I'm not sure that even counts in God's eyes. I dunno... I'm not the type to worry a whole lot, just ask Lindsay because sometimes she gets frustrated with how little I worry, but I seem to be worrying about this. Like I said, not that I want to, but I am. Maybe if you, dear reader, have any insight into that kinda thing, you could drop me a line. Maybe I'm just paranoid. Maybe I should just forget about it. Maybe I don't even know what I'm talking about...


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