Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Here I go again...

Ah, Bohemian Rhapsody, how I enjoy thee. Yesterday, Lindsay and I had a day almost entirely to ourselves (finally) and we went out in the morning. I wanted to go to Confed mall because there's a guy there that can fix basically any kind of watch in no time and I had a couple of watches that needed some batteries replaced. I was so sick of wearing my Walmart watch I began drawing on it in the hopes that I would be disgusted enough with it to go and get the other watches fixed up. While we were there, we went to CDplus and bought some CDs because they had some ridiculous deals on some good album. We ended up with one for Lindsay, one for me, and one for us both. Lindsay got Burton Cummings "Up Close and Alone" cuz she grew up with that kinda stuff, I got Classic Queen which explains the opening to this blog, and we bought a greatest hits of U2, all for 30 bucks. I haven't bought a cd in a very long time, which you could see if you saw the library list on my iTunes, so this was exciting for me. Of course, I ripped them on to the computer as soon as I got home so I could pick my favs and put them on the ol' iPod. I didn't particularly think that this was blog-worthy, but Amanda (of all people) was bugging me about how much time had elapsed between my blogs. So here you go, Amanda. Happy now? :P

P.S. I also got a 79 on my last english essay, which I thought was ok (not the best, but I can live with it) and my prof for my other english class didn't mark mine because he missed it. That's how school is going, if anyone was curious. And oh yes, I'm going to be done this year so all the boring lectures in between now and then should be easy enough to get through... I hope.


Blogger LJE said...

sometimes being so close to the end makes things even more difficult to endure....but here's to hoping you're right!

7:16 AM

Blogger Angie said...

I remember kind of giving up at the end of my massage course. I just could not bring myself to study for our comp exams (covering everythign we learned in the previous 2 years), so I didn't, and luckily I learned things as I went and needed very little refreshing. But yeah, it gets hard when you know you are reaching the end, but stick it out, because that is one AMAZING feeling when you are totally done. No more school! YIPEE!

7:25 AM


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