Friday, March 24, 2006

Oh yeah!

It just occurred to me that I never mentioned on here about our impending move. When I say our, I mean Lindsay and myself and when I say move I mean residence-wise. I'm sure I've told some of you already, but for those of you who don't know, Lindsay and I will be moving into my dad's house for a couple of months while he goes to Australia for my sister's wedding. He needed someone to housesit and make the place looked lived-in and Lindsay and I needed to get out of our apartment. 3 years is enough. Our place is getting very depressing and a new development is that, through the cheap drywall, we can see all the studs sticking out just a little bit. Lindsay thinks there are some serious structural issues at work there, but I just think they used cheap and thin drywalling. Either way, time to get out of there. After we move out of my dad's place, we were kinda hoping to get a condo or something in the city, but that doesn't look like it's going to happen, so we're going to try and get a nice apartment that's big and bright and a place where we can entertain. See above description of current dwelling in reference to why hardly anybody gets invited to our place.

This brings me to the point of this blog. I'm looking for some people who would be willing to help in said move. I know I've already got some volunteers lined up, but many hands make light work, as they say. In appreciation of any brave souls who step forward to take the challenge, a sumptuous BBQ lunch (or supper, depending on when we get done) will be provided at my dad's place, which is excellent for parties. Depending on the weather, we'll probably have it outside in his nice, big backyard and the pool might even be set up for anyone interested in that. The big day will fall on April 29, and we're hoping to have a lot of the little stuff moved by then, so it will be mostly big stuff. More details to follow.


Blogger LJE said...

count us in. (we may need a reminder a couple days before, though)

8:51 AM

Blogger Joel said...

nooooooooo problem

9:08 AM

Blogger Amanda said...

Sorry - can't help you out. It's not like you've done anything for us before.

7:35 PM


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