Monday, April 10, 2006

1 down, 2 to go

So, I had my first exam today, History 114. It went pretty good, could have gone better. I wasn't exactly prepared for some of the questions he put on the exam, but I'm pretty confident I at least passed. I've been getting mid-70s in that class so far, not my best work, but it's fine by me. Anything is better than what I got in this class last time I took it. Yeah, second time around. Not fun. And covering 1500 years in one exam isn't exactly a walk in the park. It started out good as I was walking to the exam though because I found a couple of bucks on the ground, but I wasn't sure if I had used up all my good luck on that or if there was going to be some left over for the exam. Oh well, it is what it is now. I've got another exam tomorrow in English that I think I've got a pretty good handle on, but I will need to review some tonight. English is a little bit harder to study for, unless you have time to reread several hundred pages, which I don't. It'll go ok, though. I'm not worried about it. I'm just worried about after it. I need a good full-time job. Or something equivalent. But that's a blog for another day. Time to STUDY!!!!


Blogger Amanda said...

You're getting there! Then the BORING ceremony with the gown that chokes you and makes you wonder if this was really what it was all about. Hope Dean can keep you busy!

10:30 PM

Blogger Amanda said...

oh yeah, and you get a PIN!

10:31 PM


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