Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Howdy Folks!
Bet you thought you'd never see anything in here again, didn't ya?
So did I...
Guess I must be reeeeeeeeeeeeally bored if I'm back here again.
I guess I was just in a typing mood because I just wrote my brother an e-mail since I haven't talked to him in some time, in person or otherwise. I suppose we both just lead fairly busy lives. Plus I don't really like calling someone if I haven't talked to them in a really long time. I'm not really sure why, but maybe it has something to do with my feeling slighted that they haven't called me by now. Everyone I say this to says, "You know, the phone works both ways". Well, duh! But I like to get called every once in a while too, people! Must I always be the initiator!? It certainly seems that way with some people. Of course, I'm not really partial to talking on the phone in the first place and am reluctant to call people, even good friends. I'd rather talk face to face, but that's somewhat difficult because you need to call them to talk to them about meeting in person to talk. Perhaps I should just take more advantage of e-mail and make sure I send messages well in advance so that I know that person will get said e-mail before the meeting time or what have you... But then again, I'm lazy and a procrastinator.
I suppose in the end I either need to get over feeling obligated to initiate phone calls as well as feeling slighted if I don't receive calls or resign myself to talking to people during chance meetings around the town and leaving saying, "I'll give you a call sometime".

If any of this seemed crazy to you, better to never come back to this webpage because I'm sure if I ever blog again, it will be as rambling and crazy as this one.