Saturday, July 08, 2006


So, I guess it's been a little while since I last blogged. Two months, to be exact.
I'm not really sure why I haven't written on here, guess I've just been rather busy.
Also, I'm never really sure what is going to come out when I start typing, which is a little worrying. Seems to be much like my essays from university, although with less research.
I'm not even sure why I'm writing right now. Perhaps it was becuase a certain someone, who shall remain nameless, berated me (slightly) for not having posted. Apparently she's rather diligent in checking up on me, among others.

Well, I suppose a quick life update is in order.

Linsday and I have just recently moved into a new apartment, the location of which I will reveal in person if questioned. I'm beginning to feel at home here, though we're not totally settled yet. There are a couple of rooms awaiting unpacking, like the office, and a straightening out of other rooms, like the living room whose arrangement isn't quite right yet. It is a first floor apartment, which suits me fine since I was the one doing most of the heavy lifting on the move in. Speaking of which, the move went fairly well considering it was just Lindsay and myself. It only took us about 4 hours because most of our stuff was already packed and I managed to borrow a hand truck from work, which made things significantly easier. We intend on having some sort of gathering once we're settled in more completely, so details on that should be forthcoming... eventually. It's nice to have a place where we could actually have people over for supper without having to move the table into the living room and moving excess furniture into adjacent rooms. Also, the living room is larger here than at other places we've lived, so we'll better be able to accomodate more than 2 other people, besides ourselves. The insuite washer and dryer is also a major plus, particularly for me whose chores include the laundry. Three flights of stairs and having to pay through the nose for a poorly maintained washer/dryer set made the times when I did do the laundry rather long and painful occassions. This will be a treat compared to past experiences.

As for work, I recently became a full-time customer experience person. At my place of employment, having full-time hours does not necessarily make one "full-time" because being "full-time" comes with some supervisory responsibilities, as well as being able to receive medical benefits. So I've been trying to learn more about our products and their placement and whatnot in order that I may better serve my fellow employees who will probably eventually look to me for some guidance, though it doesn't really seem that way right now. In addition to my time on the sales floor I am also still covering facilities duties as management have been unsuccessful in finding someone to replace me in that capacity. I'm a little upset about this as that facilities role somewhat hinders the time I can spend on the sales floor learning, but it is something that also has its perks. I do get to take my breaks whenever I want (15 minute ones, at least) and I know exactly what needs to be done and how long I need to do it. I'll be happy to give up that position though, once someone is found to replace me. Cleaning at work makes cleaning at home that much more of a chore.

Anyways, I'll quit complaining now. I haven't much else to write about, so I'll leave it at that. One last thing, though. I will, in future, attempt to write more like I talk. I'm just so used to trying to make my language sound more intelligent and compelling in writing. Perhaps one day it will pass, but today does not seem to be that day.

Until next time.