Monday, May 08, 2006

nothin in partic'lr

Well, I thought I'd blog just because I haven't in a while. Recap; the move went well, we're currently living in Dad's basement and they leave in about 9 days for Australia. My sister, who was in Canada to finalize some visa stuff so she could go back to Oz stayed with us for a couple of days, which was nice because we probably won't get to see her again until January when the happy couple comes back to celebrate with their Canadian friends and family who couldn't attend the main event. Got my final marks back for uni... didn't do too bad, though I apparently bombed on the finals in my english classes (stupid university policy making all finals worth at least 30%) so I only finished with mid-70s in those english classes. History was not so kind to me though, as it hasn't been for many people who lived through it... history, that is. Only finished with a 65, but I'm just glad it's all over. My convocation is on May 24, same day as Mike's hack job at the surgeon's, and then I'll be all edumacated officially. Wooo. Ummm.... letsseeeeeeee... I started full-time (well, almost) today, bringing in the shipment. I think they put me on that shift because there are only 7 guys on staff and they needed a grunt to move boxes, but that's ok. Those shifts start at 6:45 so I'm done pretty early in the day. Tomorrow I'm being trained on cash, even though we're going to get new registers in 2 weeks, so I'll have to try and learn stuff about the old ones and then learn the new ones. But as my new coworker pointed out, you probably won't remember the stuff about the old tills anyways, how true.

Speaking of new coworkers, I was introduced to several the other day (6, I think) and one was a girl who happened to be in my history tutorial during school. Small world, ain't it. This is also the same girl who served us at Kelsey's a number of times, though I didn't know who she was at the time. I think she may be following me, but I can't be sure. Will let you know what happens... unless, that is, my obituary winds up in the paper under a story about a brutal murder by stalker. Or my imagination could just be running away with me. Guess that's what happens when nothing reeeeeeally interesting happens. Although there was last night racing motorized toilets at the drop-in center. I have to say that was pretty fun. Also, playing bump, set, kill with some of the senior high was quite enjoyable as well. I'll give you an explanation of that game in person if you'd care to hear it.

Well, I think I'll sign off now. I'm going to try and be a bit more diligent in my blogging, but don't count on it, as I said, nothing really blogworthy going on right now. Until next time. Same bat time, same bat channel.... ok, not the same time, but who's counting?