Wednesday, April 19, 2006


As you may have noticed, I have severely neglected my blog over the last few weeks. This is for a number of reasons; 1)I've been busy packing and whatnot, 2)because of #1, I haven't had much time for writing about useless things, 3)nothing spectacularly exciting has happenend, and finally, 4) I'm kind of bored with writing in this. Perhaps #4 is just spring setting in, what with it being nice outside and me not being trapped indoors because of a fear of possibly losing various extremeties to the cold. Or it could just be the busyness. Who knows for sure? Even now I struggle for things to write down on here. That could also be because it's 12:23am and I have a cold that is slowly disintegrating what is left of my brain.

Anyways, I'm still waiting to finish my last final. 7 days until I'm free from the fetters and excitement of formal educational settings. Bittersweet, really. I have one mark back so far, and to tell the truth, I'm not terribly pleased with it. I must have bombed on the final because I thought I would get something in the mid to low 70s, but that was not the case. In any event, I passed the class the second time around (yes, second) and it raised my average a measly .21 percent. And it only cost me a couple thousand dollars, hurray!!! Oh well, c'est la vie.

In other news, as mentioned above, the forthcoming move has me somewhat preoccupied with packing and whatnot, though I never seem to get as far as I would have hoped. I'm sure it will all come together in the end. My sister just came back from Australia to finalize her visa stuff, so I have some more slave labour that I can draw upon. She's seen the worst of my moving experiences, which included her doing most of the packing day of the move, so I'm sure she won't mind helping me out some. That brings me to my last point before I throw myself into bed and hope that I don't have to spend too long staring at the ceiling before sleep takes me away. I mentioned in a previous blog about a barbeque that would be happening at my dad's place (where we are moving to for a couple of months while he is in Oz for aforementioned sister's wedding that I am too poor to attend) and we're hoping to start that around 1pm on Saturday, April 29th. If you wish to help with the move, we'll probably be starting early that day since we can pick up the truck at around 7am, but just come after you've eaten breakfast if you'd like. the barbeque is not only for people who are helping with the move, so come and enjoy some food and hanging out for the afternoon no matter what. God willing it will be a beautiful day and my dad has a huge backyard, so it should be a good time. Call me for the address if you're just coming for the barbeque or if you need more details. ummmmm....I think that's it, but if I miss anything important, let me know. Hope to see you April 29th!

Monday, April 10, 2006

1 down, 2 to go

So, I had my first exam today, History 114. It went pretty good, could have gone better. I wasn't exactly prepared for some of the questions he put on the exam, but I'm pretty confident I at least passed. I've been getting mid-70s in that class so far, not my best work, but it's fine by me. Anything is better than what I got in this class last time I took it. Yeah, second time around. Not fun. And covering 1500 years in one exam isn't exactly a walk in the park. It started out good as I was walking to the exam though because I found a couple of bucks on the ground, but I wasn't sure if I had used up all my good luck on that or if there was going to be some left over for the exam. Oh well, it is what it is now. I've got another exam tomorrow in English that I think I've got a pretty good handle on, but I will need to review some tonight. English is a little bit harder to study for, unless you have time to reread several hundred pages, which I don't. It'll go ok, though. I'm not worried about it. I'm just worried about after it. I need a good full-time job. Or something equivalent. But that's a blog for another day. Time to STUDY!!!!

Friday, April 07, 2006


So, it was the last day of classes today... forever. Unless I decide to further my education, the only thing between me and my BA is an essay and three exams, so about...12 hours, altogether. It's kind of a weird feeling. I'm moving onto the next stage of life, I have to find a real job, and I am moving soon. Good thing I don't mind change too much. Concerning the job thing, I now have a plan B, which is more hours at Old Navy, though that's not first choice. Sure, it's a good temporary job, but I would like to be employed somewhere where I am possibly the youngest person there rather than being surrounded mostly by teenagers. I'm sure it would be ok if I were in some kind of managerial position (though I'm not nearly qualified for that), but I would like to put my degree to work. I have some prospects there, but we'll see how it goes before I say anything more. I have to talk to the guy I would be working for about my new availability for projects/contracts, but I'll try and keep you informed. He sounded rather busy with work last time I talked to him, so that is probably a good thing for me. Anyways, that's about it for now. I'll probably be cloistering myself away for the next four days or so in order to finish that essay and study for my first two exams, which are on monday and tuesday next, so don't expect another blog anytime soon... Not that I've been exactly consistent about it as it is.